Triumph Over The Battle

Amy’s Story

Written by: Amy Whitlock

My name is Amy Whitlock. In April of 2018, the word cancer took on a different meaning for me. It had become personal. I was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer. I have learned a lot about a devastating disease, cancer, from working at Harbin Clinic Medical Oncology for six years.

In May of 2018, I had to have emergency surgery due to having a bowel obstruction prior to starting my chemotherapy. I had to have a colostomy bag due to the obstruction and had to keep this through my chemo and radiation treatments. I do not wish this on anybody; it literally is life changing. I had eight chemo treatments and was very blessed to only have gotten neuropathy in my hands and feet from one of the chemo drugs. I had to have a medi-port due to one of the drugs I had to have over a period of 46 hours as a slow drip. I finished in October of 2018 and took a month break before having 28 radiation treatments Monday through Friday, and I also took chemo pills on the days that I had radiation treatment. I finished this a few days after Christmas. Then in March of 2019, I had a total resection surgery and I’m so thankful that I no longer have to worry with the colostomy because it is GONE. I know that this journey has made my FAITH in God stronger. God has been with me every step of this journey, and I know I’m healed because of Him, prayers, and the care from my doctors! This has honestly been one of the roughest years of my life. I give God the praise for me to be able to share my story with everyone. I hope that it will bless and inspire whoever reads it. 

“There is no victory without a battle, no testimony without a test, and no miracle without an impossible circumstance!”

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